Monday, March 23, 2015

EOS Ice Blue Review!


I'm back and I have numerous posts I need to put up. Lately I have gotten caught up in focusing more on my school work and now it's finals week and all I have left to do is to turn in my final essay and then I'm done! So, hopefully that'll mean more posts for you guys! I also have "A Look At" video for these lens here:

Some upcoming posts/videos:

  • Sephora Haul
  • "In a Hurry" Makeup
  • Daily SkincareRoutine
  • Announcement!

With that said, let's get on with the review!

So, I've previously done a review on the EOS Ice Grey lens. Since they are in the same line, I feel exactly the same for these ones as I did for the grey ones. If you haven't read my review on those ones, here is the link:

Just like the grey ones, I purchased these ones off of

But unlike the grey version of these lenses, I do love the pigmentation of the blue ones much more. I feel like the pigmentation is natural enough for me to wear on an every day basis. As opposed to the grey ones which just looked black unless you were to look directly into the light source which is a no no for the eyes. The pigmentation is more of a true blue compared to the Geo Angel Blue lenses that I review when I first set up my blog.


Prescription: Left: 2.75, Right: 2.50

Diameter : 14.8mm
Water Content : 38%
Base Curve : 8.8mm
Life Span : 1 Year Disposal

In all honesty though, I love this series and it is very likely I will be getting other colors as well. I've had my eye on getting the green ones. The EOS Ice series is very thin so I feel like they're very comfortable. They also give you a cute teary eyed effect and with the right kind of makeup, make you look very innocent. I think the only down side is the water content which is only 38%. The water content pretty much determines how long the moisture will last when the lens is in your eye. Higher water content equals more moisture.

Rating (out of 5):

Comfort: 5
Like I stated above, these lenses are really thin which is why I thick they're really comfortable. But since they are so thin, you have to be careful when handling them especially if you have long nails. I have actually ripped a lens before.

Enlargement: 5
Since the diameter is 14.8 mm, I feel like that's a comfortable size for my eyes. Anything bigger is just too much, like the Geo Bambi lenses. I feel like anything that's 15 mm or bigger makes me look like an alien. 

Pigmentation: 4
Since I do like my circle lenses to look more natural, I love the pigmentation of these lenses because they're more natural but you can still tell what color they are. If you want something more vibrant, I suggest you not to get these.

I'm sorry this review wasn't something you were probably expecting.

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