Friday, March 28, 2014

Korean Inspired Makeup Tutorial!

Hello there!

I've uploaded my fourth video on YouTube!
As you can tell from the title of this video, it's a makeup tutorial!
A very simple Korean Inspired Makeup tutorial that can be worn as an every day look.
I guess since I'm posting on here every friday, I will also try to post a video every friday as well!

Here's a link to my new video!

Here are some posts and videos to look forward to:

  • Jelly Bean Challenge
  • Blind Folded Makeup Challenge
  • Spring Clothing Haul
  • Korean Makeup/Skincare Haul
  • Top Favorite Face Masks
  • and more!

Don't worry, I won't forget to keep posting my other series, "A Piece of Advice".
I just don't have any advice to give at the moment.
Maybe I'll also do rants? I can rant about a lot of different stuff.

Anyway, short post but please hang on there will be more to come!

Friday, March 21, 2014

New Video!

Hi, everyone!

Well, I now have a new video up on my YouTube channel!
I know, the audio is pretty low but that will change soon. (I hope..)
This is my third video that I've uploaded on there.

If you don't know about the other two, here they are!

Unboxing: EOS Ice Grey from

A Look At | EOS Ice Grey

My newest video is the What's in My Backpack?
I just did it because I wanted to and no one tagged me. But I got to tag a couple of people!
I still have quite a long way to go to have better quality videos and audio.
Please go check those out and leave a comment on here or on those videos telling me what I can improve on! And please don't go on there and be mean, I'm looking for comments and constructive criticism.

Thanks and Check them out!

Thursday, March 20, 2014

Follow me on Instagram and Update!

Hello everyone!

First of all,
Interested in seeing what I've been up to but in picture form?
Or just want to pass time?
Do you like food, art, or some other random things?

Well, I've recently decided to open up an Instagram account!
I've had it for a couple days now but didn't upload any pictures until today.

Follow me on Instagram:

My pictures on there won't always be "instant" as most people's are.
The reason being is that I don't own an android or apple phone. So, I don't have Instagram on my phone. So, instead I have it on my ipad but I don't always carry it around with me.
Please bare with me until I'm able to upgrade to a new phone which may be in either April or August.

Now for an update!

I'm going to try to have something new posted on here either every friday or every other friday.
As for my YouTube, I don't know when I'm going to start regularly posting since I'm still new to it and don't really know what to post. But if you guys have any suggestions, don't be afraid and tell me.
I'll be glad to make a video and hopefully upload it as soon as possible.
Just please keep in mind that I am a full time student and part-time worker.

Talk to you guys in my next post!

Friday, March 14, 2014

EOS Ice Grey Lens Review!

Hi guys!
I'm finally back with another circle lens review.
First off, I bought the EOS Ice Grey lens from

Well, on with the review!

Brand: EOS
Color: Grey
Diameter: 14.8mm
Water Content: 38%
Price on Maplelens: $18.90

Like always, I'm not being paid to do this review.

The day I ordered these lens from, they had a special discount code for their anniversary. By entering that code I got 10% or 20% off. Of course whenever I order from Maplelens, I always choose expiated shipping. That's another $10, so the discount helped me save a bit of money.
The reason why I chose these lenses was because I've wanted these ever since I saw a video on YouTube by luvableviet (Shantea Mac) and they looked so pretty on her.

Picture Time!

Lens in the case
This time I got the yellow hippo. Sorry I forgot to take a picture of it. :(

Far Away

Up Close

No Flash- Bathroom Lighting


  • Color: 9/10
    • I didn't give these lens a 10 because although I do like natural lens more, I still wanted the grey to show a little more. From far away under normal indoor lighting the lens look almost black. The color also blends with my natural color so they are still natural so I recommend them if you want natural lens.
  • Comfort: 10/10
    • As expected from EOS lens, these are so comfortable. When I wear them I can barely feel them in my eyes and you don't see the rim like the Geo Angel Blue lens that I had. They're very thin so I guess thats why I can barely feel them.
  • Enlargement: 10/10
    • For me, like I said I like natural lens so I don't mind if my circle lens don't enlarge my eyes too much. These are 14.8 in diameter so if you've tried the EOS Candy series, they're the exact same size. They do still enlarge your eyes enough that wearing them without makeup on look kind of funny. But they not too big so you can pass off with just wearing a bit of eyeliner and mascara.

These are my honest opinions about the lens. So the bottom line is, I think EOS is my favorite brand for circle lens instead of Geo. But Geo is still my second favorite. I'm very happy with my purchase and I don't regret buying these lens at all.
One last thing, I'm also going to post an "unboxing" video for these lens and a video to show how they look in my eyes on YouTube. Yes, I'm finally going to post something on my 2 year old YouTube channel. Hope this post was helpful to you in any way.


Please checkout my YouTube channel!